Welcome to La Casella

a really nice place to visit

A well-furnished, year-round apartment in a 300-year-old stone farmhouse, comfortable living room, king-size American bed and your own patio with a panorama of the Alpenines, quiet, private and affordable -- that's La Casella.

Click on the link to go the La Casella Web Site and a full description, photos and rates as well as personal essays on life in the timeless atmosphere of Medieval Italy by La Casella owner, Linda Richardson.


Welcome! I've been a resident of Todi since 1986 and enjoy sharing my affection for Italy. This is not a diary, however; It's a whimsical distillation of one ex-pat's thoughts and experiences.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Fresh News from America

This morning an American neighbor dropped by with a visiting friend from Alaska. You can imagine the questions I had!

Here are the Alaskan's answers:
#1 Ha ha, she's a joke.
#2 It was just a desperate move to find a female Anti-Choice running mate.
#3 The average college freshman knows more about global issues.
#4 Who do you think ASKED for a new wardrobe?

Then we moved on to the subject of the similarities between Tibetans and several Alaskan nations of Native Americans (or Indians, as they prefer to be called). That subject was a lot more interesting.

A last word on politics: the local Italians don't understand that an American Vice President automatically ascends to the Big Job in case of the death of the President. They don't know, or care, that a woman from Alaska might be in line to do that. They just want policy changes in the USA before we have a world-wide economic depression.

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