Welcome to La Casella

a really nice place to visit

A well-furnished, year-round apartment in a 300-year-old stone farmhouse, comfortable living room, king-size American bed and your own patio with a panorama of the Alpenines, quiet, private and affordable -- that's La Casella.

Click on the link to go the La Casella Web Site and a full description, photos and rates as well as personal essays on life in the timeless atmosphere of Medieval Italy by La Casella owner, Linda Richardson.


Welcome! I've been a resident of Todi since 1986 and enjoy sharing my affection for Italy. This is not a diary, however; It's a whimsical distillation of one ex-pat's thoughts and experiences.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

2008 Olive Harvest - The End

The unreliable neighbor in our mini-cooperative still has not returned to Izzalini to pick his olives. The rest of us have decided to quietly eliminate him from our group effort. Next year we'll look for another partner. Or maybe our own trees will have such an abundance of fruit we won't need one. Time will tell.

In the meantime, we're looking forward to transferring our oil to one-liter bottles and celebrating the harvest with bruschetta. There's nothing quite as satisfactory as slicing up a loaf of day-old country-style bread, toasting it over wood coals and then annointing it with fresh, home-grown oil. Our local bread, called pane comune, is made without salt and is a perfect foil for the tasting. Thereafter, I do sprinkle a bit of salt on the bread but I don't tell anybody.

If you'd like to see bruschetta-making, click on today's title.

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