Welcome to La Casella

a really nice place to visit

A well-furnished, year-round apartment in a 300-year-old stone farmhouse, comfortable living room, king-size American bed and your own patio with a panorama of the Alpenines, quiet, private and affordable -- that's La Casella.

Click on the link to go the La Casella Web Site and a full description, photos and rates as well as personal essays on life in the timeless atmosphere of Medieval Italy by La Casella owner, Linda Richardson.


Welcome! I've been a resident of Todi since 1986 and enjoy sharing my affection for Italy. This is not a diary, however; It's a whimsical distillation of one ex-pat's thoughts and experiences.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

I waited since September for THIS?

There are consumer items available in the USA and the UK for which we ex-pats in Italy pine. One is bed sheets and clothing woven of a nice balance of cotton and polyester. Another is three-way light bulbs that give low, medium and high intensity light with a mere twist of a corresponding knob on the lamp. The third is any item that we see advertised but cannot find in our stores.

For at least six months we've been subjected to TV ads for a room deodorizing product that somehow automatically senses when the human occupant of said room is offended by the smell of boiled cabbage, tobacco smoke or wet dogs. It's called "Sense & Spray"." I immediately wanted one, but didn't find it in a store until today. This is a consumer critique.

1. Assembly is simple.
2. The enclosed AA batteries work.
3. The scent (called Vanilla) I chose over Lavender is rather sweet, but not disgustingly so.
4. The deodorizer doesn't work unless you pick it up and blow directly into the sensor. Otherwise, you still have to walk over and punch it before it releases a spritz of cheap cookie vanilla flavoring.

I tried fanning smoke at the thing, vigorously opening and closing the front door and, finally, running around the room with the deodorizer in my hand, but it simply would not spritz on its own.
Having shelled out Euro 4,85 (US $6.50 -- oops, rate change: $6.75) in order to save electricity, I expect this white plastic product by Glade (Johnson & Johnson) to work as advertised. I want to throw a cat pillow towards the thing or walk in the front door wearing Wellingtons covered with cow pats and have "Sense & Spray" live up to its name. In Italy you can't get your money back.


Anonymous said...

Hi Linda, Thanks for the heads up on the air freshener! Out here it seems like maybe we are suffering from too much fresh air... Longunderwear is the norm and nobody ever closes a door. My half & half kids arent sure if they are living in the Colesseum or a barn. The result is that the heating bill (read, purchase of fire and fuelwood) spirals up like smoke up the chiminey. But the bright side, ah yes, well the bright side is we notice the light. What a miracle, as you said, just that little bit of extra light every day and the desperation of late November fades into the past and the world seems full of possibilities again. So as the under 18's charge out the door at 6:45, leaving it wide open, that sliver of pale sky up over the hill to the East that you can glimpse makes all worries fade... yes, the magic of light

Robert said...

Just be happy you only lost the price of the device. My brother was recently visiting his son in MD. When he went to bed he unplugged the deodorizer to plug in his cell phone charger. He didn't realize that he'd turned the deodorizer on its side. The gunk ran out and over the cell phone. By morning it had desolved most of the casing of the cell phone. The table was OK. It only dissolves plastic.

Now, for a real problem. This is the second time I've tried to post this comment. I've heard that others can't post comments on my blog either. Will blogger melt my computer? Robert(even if it says anonymous)